A Toast from
the Bride’s Sister

Hi Everyone,

It’s great to be here celebrating with all of you tonight. I feel so grateful to be in such a beautiful place for the most important event of the year.

I also feel pretty powerful holding this microphone because this is one of the few aspects of the wedding that Urs had no control over. She’s probably wondering, ‘What is she going to say?’ But seriously, look at how beautiful every detail of this day is - from the perfectly curated menus, to the wedding newspaper, to the activities planned, and the fact that we’re all here in South Carolina at the most fitting wedding venue for these two. Can I get a quick round of applause for these two and everyone involved for all that went into planning this beautiful celebration in less than 5 months?

I’ve seen lots of new and familiar faces over the last few days, but for those of you who don’t know me, I have known the bride since my very first second of existence - I am Ursula’s younger sister, Corrina, or better known as Chick.

Urs and I are four years apart, which has been pretty cool for me because it's been like having a view of a map into the future. Routes you get to pick and choose from based on what you’ve seen to be successful or uncharted territory you get to trailblaze on your own. I used to follow everything Urs did—from her hairstyles, to joining the swim team, to wearing her clothes when she grew out of them, which used to be the most exciting thing ever.

I think the moment I realized I needed to start making my own decisions was when I was around 7 or 8 years old. Urs made me close my eyes, telling me she was leading me to a surprise in the backyard. "Okay, Chick, two steps forward, one step back, one more to the right - stomp, you made it!" I opened my eyes and saw I was barefoot in our dog’s waste pile. Yep, okay Chick, maybe we don’t listen to everything your big sister says. Or the time she secretly threw a party at our parents' house and I got to see the mental torment she went through thinking they would find out and the repercussions she faced when they actually did.

I’ve learned a lot from my sister.

I’ve learned how to work hard – and no, I’m not just talking about competing in sports or putting hours into work. I’m talking about putting your blood, sweat, and tears into everything you do in the relentless pursuit of your passions. Urs is one of the toughest people I know. From working at cutthroat agencies to having a hand in building a brand for a billion-dollar business, she is the pinnacle of mental toughness.

Don’t even get me started on how physically tough she is – it's hard to wrap your head around someone competing in two Ironman events less than two months apart.

Urs is unorthodoxed,
and capable of legit anything she puts her mind to.

But she is also one of the most caring and fiercely loyal people I have ever met. I have an average of 5 phone calls and 60 texts a day to prove it. (!!)

That’s the beauty of having a sibling. You never have to go through this life alone or afraid. There is always someone to text nonsense to, call even if you sit on the phone in silence for countless minutes – there is always someone to reaffirm decisions with, laugh with, cry with, experience every emotion imaginable with. Although I used to hate to admit it, Urs is my hero, my crazy hero that I’ll forever look up to in every way possible.

I grew up watching Urs hold the weight of the world on her shoulders at times. None of this comes without cost. A ton of alone time, always being ‘on,’ and not a whole lot of trust to give away. In order to protect your time, your energy, and the legacies you’re building – you build thick walls. Built to withstand the toughest of circumstances. Not a lot of people are allowed in.

I remember the first time I met Bryan. He checked my heart murmur that I had recalled the doctor telling me I had years ago. He also checked out my broken pinky that never healed right. He asked the last time I got my blood work done, to which I responded ‘probably never,’ and he suggested I get a Primary Care Provider. You know, all the normal first hang out activities you partake in when you meet your sister’s new partner.

The next day I was scolding Urs for making a mess of my makeup bag - a routine misstep she would take as an older sister and one of my biggest pet peeves. I recall Bryan saying something such as, ‘As a fellow younger sibling, Chick, sometimes you just have to let it go.’

I don’t think Bryan knew that the two rules of being the significant other to my sister were:

1 - he needed my approval and my approval only, and I am extremely hard to win over.
2 - never interrupt the sister battle as you will get burned in the crossfire.

But I thought I can appreciate someone whose sass level might be close to mine.

When they began to date I started to notice I heard less and less from Urs. I would check my phone during work and I wouldn’t see the texts or calls. On the weekend I would get slow responses as they were crushing 100-mile bike rides or playing in the mountains. While I admit I was a little sad, I thought FINALLY - less phone calls - kidding, kinda - I thought she had finally met her match.

There are many things you want from your big sister – her clothes, her shoes, her time, and beyond.
The only thing I’ve ever wanted for my sister was to see her happy because she is truly the most deserving.

As their relationship grew, I began to see windows and doors added to Urs’s walls. The sun poured into the palace. I heard a lot more laughter. I began to see a lot more patience, kindness, and openness to others. Of course, Urs will always be extremely tough, but Bryan brought calm and a sense of ease. White-knuckling life became a smoother ride. I feel as though I witnessed what truly happens when the recipe of trust, safety, and support are mixed together – they create love. When Urs and Bryan are together, it’s so fun to watch – speeding around on their bikes, cooking dinner, or playing with Kodi.

Their partnership embodies the perfect blend of strength and serenity, where each complements the other in ways that make life's challenges feel more like exciting adventures.

I can’t help but mention someone who couldn’t make it tonight or perhaps just has a different seat in the house. Bryan, know that our dad thought so highly of you. Every time you left our house he couldn’t help but say, "Wow, what an awesome guy - Urs better be good to him." I’ll never forget that iconic eyebrow raise he had when he finally got to see the ring in person - one of the last times we would get to speak to him. Our dad was thrilled to welcome you into our family because of your heart and the way you care for Urs so deeply. I know he is smiling from mustache curl to mustache curl watching you both celebrate the start of your life long journey together.

I couldn’t be happier to forever exchange embarrassing photos of Urs falling asleep, listen to you sing "Bananas in Pajamas," or imitate Face from Nickelodeon. Congratulations on officially winning over the toughest critic. I’m excited to share my sister with you and that I get to eat your chocolate cake forever.

So let's raise our glasses to Urs and Bryan - May your lives be filled with endless laughter, shared adventures, and a love that continues to break down walls and let the sunshine in. May your journey together be as epic and beautiful as this celebration. 
