Today, as we stand here together, I am amazed by how incredibly fortunate we are. To have found each other in this world —  a love so rare, to grow together, to be surrounded by family and friends that support us, and to now as we stand together ready to embark on this next chapter. My heart is full of gratitude—not only for this moment but for every moment, twist and turn that has led us to it. 

From our very first encounter, I found myself irresistibly attracted to the essence of who you are –
your remarkable capacity to listen with empathy,
your unwavering loyalty,
and your deeply nurturing spirit.
You are unapologetically authentic, and I embrace every curl and quirk for who you are. Your relentless pursuit of achieving your goals, both personally and professionally is not just a source of personal inspiration, but a beacon for many who cross your path.

In your presence, I experience a completeness that defies explanation,
a sense of belonging that is as profound as it is serene.
It is a feeling that extends beyond love, beyond companionship –
it is the feeling of being perfectly aligned with another soul, in a way that is both exhilarating and deeply comforting.

Today, as we vow to share our lives, I am certain that there is no one else I would rather have by my side on this journey. 


I vow never to take for granted the subtle, yet heartfelt ways you show your love and kindness everyday.
From the morning coffee you lovingly prepare, to crafting amazing dinners and filling my air before my tires before going out for a ride, each gesture fills me with immense gratitude. They are the silent testimonies of your love, and I promise to acknowledge and cherish always.

I vow to be by your side through joy and hardship, offering steadfast support as we navigate life's highs and lows together.
I promise to celebrate your victories and grow with you through every challenge. I will encourage and inspire you to be your best self, supporting your goals and aspirations. Recognizing the importance of personal growth, I commit to giving us both the space to pursue our passions, even in hardship.

I vow to keep our communication open and honest, even when the words are hard to find.

I promise to listen with empathy, truly listen, especially in our toughest moments. I commit to sharing my truest thoughts and deepest feelings, knowing that this transparency will strengthen us. Together, we will build a foundation based on complete trust and understanding, growing closer with every conversation.

I vow to grow old with you but never grow up. I’ll embrace every adventure with you, whether we're cycling up the mountains of Spain or curling up on our couch for a cozy night in with Kodi. I’ll never lose our sense of adventure, shared humor and fun.

Over the past few weeks, since my father's passing, I've spent a lot of time reflecting on the importance of legacy—
what we inherit,
what we pass on,
and how we honor those who have come before us.
Today, as I stand beside you, I am filled with a deep  sense of hope and excitement for the future we will create and define together.
I vow to work with you to build a legacy that not only reflects our values and dreams but also pays tribute to the generations that shaped us.

My love and commitment to you is unconditional. With you by my side, I feel loved and safe, knowing that we will face any challenge together, hand in hand.

I vow to love you fiercely and authentically, to be your teammate for life.
I am so grateful to call you my partner and the love of my life.

Here's to the beautiful future that awaits us. 

I love you.